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College Blog

Welcome back to a new half-term!

Firstly, I’d like to start by welcoming you all back to a new half-term; I hope you all had a restful break and are ready to work hard this half-term. The next few weeks will go by very quickly – we have lots to look forward and several opportunities for you to give your very best. I’d like to remind you all that we commit to doing our very best every day and that we work do better today than we did yesterday. Through doing this, we you will continue to make your College improve.


Thank you

I’d like to say a few ‘thank yous’ to you. I won’t mention students by name, but I am so pleased and proud that so many of you chose to help, support and represent the College last half-term. We had our Head Boy and Head Girl, ably supported by two Year 7 students on Open evening. We had dozens of students helping at our open events, both for Year 7 and Year 12 – it was great to see you all. Lots of you also represent the College in our new Rugby teams, as well as representing us in other sports and activities. Our student leaders and house captains are also excellent role models. I’d also like to thank you all for helping to keep our College clean and tidy following on from Miss Jessop’s assemblies – it looks really good – let’s keep it that way.



Our fireworks evening will take place this Friday 2nd November. Tickets are on sale in student reception – please make sure you but your ticket in advance, this will be much easier than on the night.


Decoration on corridors

You will all notice new decorations and stencilling on the College walls. These show our students doing the right thing and working hard, as well as celebrating the successes of our former Year 11 and Year 13 students. We have also stencilled success is never final; failure is never fatal; It’s courage counts on the wall. I think this is a quote we can all take something from. No matter how well you do, you must always be courageous and week to work harder.


Sports results

Great to see so many of you taking part in inter-house football and netball before half-term. Thanks also to those of you who represent our College in our sports teams. The winners are….

Football – Woolf

Netball – Kipling

The year 9 netball team beat the Free School 20-0


Have a good week

Doing better every day and fireworks tickets on sale in reception!
Lest We Forget

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