Respect and Kindness
Welcome back! I hope you all had a really enjoyable half-term and are feeling refreshed for the run up to Christmas.
There is a lot happening in the news at the moment. You will be aware that there is a General Election on 12th December. We will do a mock election in College and you will have the chance to vote for your preferred party. We will make sure your vote is an informed one and will provide information first!
The theme of our assemblies this week is ‘respect and kindness.’ It is important that we all treat others the way we would want to be treated ourselves. In addition to this, it is important that we support charities and other national initiatives. Armistice day is next Monday 11th November. We will hold our remembrance assembly on that date and pay our respect to those who have fought and died to give us the freedom we enjoy today. We are selling poppies in student reception and I would ask that you buy one to support the Royal British Legion. The tutor programme will also be based on Armistice.
Notices for this week:
· Fireworks evening at MRC this Friday. Tickets on sale in reception!
· Year 11 and 13 internals this week
Sports results – thank you to everyone who represents our college:
· Year 9 netball – MRC 29 FCC 2
· Year 9 football – MRC 6 BCC 0
Have a good week