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Janet Gibbs
/ Categories: Principals Blog

Remembering the Holocaust

Last week, Mrs Wallis led assemblies to remind us all of the terrible atrocities that were committed as part of the Holocaust. It is important that we remember this event and the  genocide of the Jews during World War Two. It is a tragedy that similar events have taken place in other countries since then and it is through standing up for each other, being tolerant and respecting one another that we can work together to avoid this kind of horrific event being repeated. 

Safer Internet Day takes place on Tuesday 5 February. Our tutor programme and assemblies will be based on this topic and will remind you all about being safe online. It is also a reminder that we must only post messages and images on social media that are kind and supportive of others, not the opposite. Please also remember that you should never arrange to meet someone who may have made contact with you online - doing this puts your safety at risk. 

We have been visiting lessons and, as usual, your behaviour and effort are both excellent. Well done and thank you! I would like to set you all the challenge of making sure your work is as well presented as you can and also that you complete all tasks to the very best of your ability; this will help you to learn more and make better progress. 

Really good to see such a good turnout for the Year 11 revision evening and to see so many students in College to attend the Inset day sessions. 

Thank you to Mrs Tidbury for working with our primary school children this week. They were brilliant! 

Notices for the week:

  • Sixth Form interviews will be completed this week
  • Dr Matt Bullimore, Widening Participation Officer from Churchill College at Cambridge   University, will be talking to Year 12 and Year 9 Scholars and interested Year 11 Scholars about applying to Oxbridge and other top universities on Monday
  • Rother Valley Year 5 ‘all sing’ on Wednesday
  • Photographs will take place on Thursday for Years 7,11 & 13


Sports results:

The Year 7 football team took part in another girls’ football tournament. Another great experience, but unfortunately, they did not make the later stages of the competition.

The Year 8 girls’ cricket team won the area cricket indoor tournament. They will advance to the county finals. Lady of the tournament was Charlotte Baker.

The Year 7 football team played their first league match against Bishop Luffa. They played well, but lost 5-2. Man of the match was Stanley Freshwater.



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