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It was great to see students actively supporting Children In Need this week.

Last year, we raised just over £1000 for this great cause. This year, we raised over £1200, which is a fantastic achievement. As part of our 'Respect' value, students have been learning in tutor time and assemblies about how the money they donated will make a real difference to disadvantaged young people across the country. I see our students, your children, regularly supporting and helping each other in College. I am proud that they also want to support others on a national level and this is part of our ethos at the College as we  develop students' sense of community. I was also pleased to receive an email from a member of the public about how one of our Year 7 students assisted a member of the public this week; we have great students at MRC. 

I was pleased to see that Prince William launched a new online safety programme this week, called 'Stop, Speak, Support' to promote safety online. We will follow-up on this in College and the link to information on the website is here: I encourage you all to read this. 

Our INSET day this week was very productive. As you will be aware, we have high expectations and high standards at MRC. Our staff training reinforced strategies for pace and challenge in lessons, with a specific focus on focus on modelling outstanding work. This is one of our key strands to improve teaching and learning in the College this year. I would also like to say a huge well done to our Year 11 students who came in to work on the day. 

Our winter concert is this Wednesday at 7pm. I hope you are able to attend. 

Previous Article This has been a particularly busy week in College and there is much to update you about.
Next Article Happiness was chosen as one of our core values by students last year.

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